4 - Night One

Night One

Is a mess. It's fast and Obsidians brain is a card catalog stuck to a pinwheel. And it's okay because to tonight Lady Electrode is walking hex through shit, but then she's gotta go be the Stage Manager. So when she leaves Death Grip helps from per board, pointing things out to hext whenever hex gets a little lost. And really whoever is playing tonight probably sounds fine but Obsidian can't recall it later. Hex goes home, crashes to sleep out like the pop of a burned out LED, and when hex wakes up hex tries to scribble down everything hex remembers. Board switches, the right and left stereo cables are labeled "Ramones" and "Lana", the calendar in the back says when the next shows are with musical aliterations for each day of the week, the mics go on singers not on electric guitars, those go to amps, then the amps get mics. But acoustics do get mics. There was something about where more batteries are but of course that, a vitally important thing, has slipped Obsidian's mind. All hex can think about is the spray paint on the doors of the two gender neutral bathrooms, one saying "Pissing and Shitting" the other saying "Whatever the fuck else" in sickly green and faded red, respectively. There was also a dialogue exchanged in sharpie scrawls next to the sink, evidently ended in a date, some cell numbers now crossed off, and two initials in a heart. Obsidian wouldn't think it was real if hex hadn't see it. Nothing like that would ever happen to Obsidian.